Sensor Figaro TGS 2602 :
The Figaro 2600 series is a new type thick film metal oxide semiconductor, screen printed gas sensor which offers
miniaturization and lower power consumption. The TGS 2602 has high sensitivity not only to air contaminants which are emitted
by cigarette smoke, but also to low concentrations of odorous gases such as ammonia and H2S generated from waste materials
in office and home environments.
miniaturization and lower power consumption. The TGS 2602 has high sensitivity not only to air contaminants which are emitted
by cigarette smoke, but also to low concentrations of odorous gases such as ammonia and H2S generated from waste materials
in office and home environments.
Gas Polutan akan merubah2 nilai Rs , untuk mendapatkan nilai Rs kita dapat dari tegangan Vout atau tegangan pada RL (VRL).
RL =10kohm ,VC 5 volt , Vout tegangan output yang di masukan ke ADC.
Contoh Rangkaian:
Untuk contoh program ADC microcontoller atmega8535 Anda bisa lihat contoh disini :
referensi ;
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